Victoria Spartz Endorsed by NFIB

Victoria Spartz Endorsed by NFIB

April 4, 2024


Congresswoman Spartz is proud to announce that her 2024 re-election campaign has been endorsed by the NFIB Federal PAC

Spartz developed legislation and pushed for healthcare transparency and competition reforms in Congress to combat hospital monopolies. In 2022, then Manager of Federal Health Policy at NFIB, Mitch Relfe said, “For over 30 years, NFIB small business owners have identified the cost of health insurance as the number one, long-term small business problem. We appreciate Representative Spartz’s work to address underlying cost drivers of health insurance and increase healthcare competition. We look forward to continuing to work with her on this important effort.”

“Small businesses have it incredibly tough in today’s economic environment,” said Rep. Spartz. “From the rising costs of healthcare to increasing inflation and regulations, labor shortages, and skyrocketing taxes, small businesses need people willing to fight for their stability and certainty. Small businesses are the backbone of the American dream, and I am proud to continue being their advocate in Congress.

The NFIB Federal PAC is the voice for small businesses, continuously advocating for tax, healthcare, and regulatory reform to legislators in DC. 

Team Victoria